Page layout: 17 * 24 cm; margins: 2 cm
Title: bold, caps, center, TNR, 14, English
Name(s) of author(s): First name, LAST NAME; center; TNR, caps, 14, bold
Institutional affiliation: under the name; Faculty; University; TNR, 12, center
E-mail: footnote: Contact:
Abstract: TNR, 11 italics; justified; single-spaced; 100-150 words; English
Keywords: TNR, 11, italics; justified; 5-7 words; English
Articles (Research articles): TNR, 12, single-spaced, justified; English, French; 3500-8000 words; analytic
Article structure: Introduction – bold; left; TNR, 12; The body of the article: will have clear-marked chapters and sub-chapters, bold, left, numbered with Arabic numbers, sentence case; they will analyze, prove or refute the working hypotheses presented in the Introduction; Conclusions – bold; left
Reference List: at the end of the article; only those materials cited in the article. Center, TNR, 12; where the reference takes several lines, the second line will be indented 1.5.
Opinion articles: title: English; the body of the article: Romanian, English, French
Structure: they will be structured as any standard opinion article/editorial; ~2000 words
Book reviews: we will receive reviews of books published no earlier than 3 years before the year the volume is published; ~1500 (2000) words; title of the review: English; the body of the review: Romanian, English, French; Reference List at the end
Citation Style: Starting with issue 8/2019, Revista de Studii Media will use the APA style, in accordance with The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. For a brief description, please see the PDF.
Pictures, photos, table, charts, quotations/fragments from other works, longer than 500 words: authors need to make sure they have obtained the permission to reproduce them. Submissions must contain the written permission for such borrowings, and a copyright footnote must accompany them in the text, to describe the picture, photo, etc, and to mention the copyright, as explained in the APA document.
Quality control: the received materials will be first scanned with anti-plagiarism software. Then, those which have passed this test, will further undergo a ‘double-blind peer-review’ process, meaning that the authors will not know the reviewers’ identity and the authors’ identity will not be revealed to the reviewers.