Call for Papers

We have the pleasure to invite you to submit articles for our Journal of Media Studies (Revista de Studii Media), issue 12/2023, with the following theme: “The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence. Communication, Education, Society”. The issue aims to analyze, from various perspectives, the highly accelerated development of digital technology, which influences different aspects of contemporary society. The implications are manifold: anthropological, ethical, and economic, in the fields of communication, education, health, etc. These implications will decisively change the world we live in.

Scientific articles must be analytical and may be written in English or French. They should be between 3500–8000 words and have an abstract of 150-150 words written in English.

We also receive opinion articles and book reviews. These can be written in English, French or Romanian and must be around 1500 words.

All articles must follow the APA writing style. For details on the rules for writing articles, please see the „Submission Guidelines” section on the journal’s website. Following a double-blind peer review evaluation, you will be notified whether your article has been accepted for publication.

The Journal of Media Studies is edited by the Faculty of Journalism, Hyperion University, Bucharest, and publishes studies in the field of communication sciences (Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Social Communication) and also in other related fields: Political Science, Sociology, Sociology of Communication, etc. The journal is indexed in two databases (CEEOL and Ulrichsweb) and is under evaluation for acceptance by EBSCO and DOAJ. The Journal will appear online.

Please send us your articles until April 30, 2024, to

Note: There are no publication fees.