Revista de Studii Media [Journal of Media Studies], [ISSN 2734 – 519X ISSN-L 2248 – 096X] was founded in 2012 by the Faculty of Journalism, “Hyperion” University, Bucharest, as an annual print publication. It has been available in both print and online versions starting with the year 2018. Revista de Studii Media supports research in the field of Communication Sciences (Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Social Communication) as well as in other connected areas: Political Sciences, Sociology, the Sociology of Communication, etc. The Journal is a forum dedicated to the academic debate related to communication that concerns and is affected by social, economic and political changing environments, from Central and Eastern Europe and from other parts of the world. It is sent annually to important university libraries in Romania and to the local libraries of the Faculties specialized in Journalism and Communication.
Until the year 2017, the Journal published mostly articles written in Romanian, on areas as diverse as Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Media Studies, the History of the Written Press, Didactics, the Ethics and Deontology of the Press, the Sociology of Communication, Political Sciences, etc, benefiting from the partnership of top Romanian researchers. Starting with the year 2018, we have turned to Romanian, English and French as languages of publication. And starting with the year 2019, the Journal will comprise three main sections – opinion articles, research articles and book reviews – which will be written using the APA style, will be original, not already published and not under simultaneous review at any other publication.
As of 2019, Revista de Studii Media is indexed in the CEEOL and Ulrichsweb academic databases.